Welcome to my blog!

In this blog I will take about different areas of innovation and include some case studies and a few innovative products. Enjoy :)

Tuesday 20 December 2011


I was thinking of new things to blog about and it popped into my head about how I could blog from other devices other than my laptop. So I am currently writing this blog from my phone!

Mobile phone companies have shown how innovation can be used successfully. Mobile phones have gone from only being able to call people to now being able to use the internet, email, check social networking sites, create documents and powerpoints and of course being able to call and text people. The mobile phone was originally created in 1973 by Dr Martin Cooper, he made the first phone call on a portable mobile phone to his rival Joel Engel, Bell Labs head of research.(www.cellular.co.za 20/12/2011). Now mobile phones are more of a fashion accessory than a device used just for contacting people. 

I have a BlackBerry Bold, I am constantly checking my emails, checking Facebook and Twitter, texting or ringing people or taking photos of interesting things! If i compare my first phone, a Nokia 3310, which I was bought for my 11th birthday, I only used it about once a week to ring my parents when I had finished my netball match in school, but now I use my phone about every ten minutes for something! 

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